• malanzane_al_tartufo_b.png
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sott'olio al tartufo

In addition to the transformation of truffles and porcini mushrooms, a large part of the production of our company, concerns the oil.

The products are prepared according to family tradition, without any industrial production process and without the addition of preservatives or colorants.

The vegetables are processed by hand and packaged by hand still fresh, in order to preserve the aroma and quality.
A line of natural products, made even tastier by 'extra virgin olive oil which enhances the flavor and authenticity.

The careful attention to every single production step that allows the final product is excellent and able to keep all the flavor and texture of fresh product but, ensuring food security, in fact, the process ends with the pasteurization of the guaranteed to be a product unaltered in taste but, at the same time, guaranteed; this thanks to the use of advanced machinery

Product Features
The oil is composed of fresh vegetables and extra virgin olive oil.

Useful tips
The oil should be consumed at room temperature.

Tips on consumption
The oil is ideal to be enjoyed as an accompaniment to appetizers or side dishes.

Minimum durability
24 months from date of manufacture


Storage instructions
Once you open the jar, cover with oil and refrigerate for about 20 days.

Product details


S1260 eggplant flavored with white truffle Gr. 260 € 4.50
S2260 green tomatoes flavored with white truffle Gr. 260 € 4.50
S3260 Porcini flavored with white truffle Gr. 260 € 12.50
S4260 zucchini flavored with white truffle Gr. 260 € 4.50

- Whith OIL

S5260 Porcini in oil Gr. 260
S6260 chanterelles in oil Gr. 260
S7260 Mixed mushrooms in oil Gr. 260
S8260 Eggplants and peppers in oil Gr. 260
S9260 Eggplants in oil Gr. 260
S10260 zucchini in oil Gr. 260
S11260 asparagus in oil Gr. 260
S12260 green tomatoes in oil Gr. 260
S13260 Cardarelle in oil Gr. 260
S14260 Artichokes in oil Gr. 260
S15260 dried tomatoes in oil Gr. 260

